如何查看他人提交Concurrent Request的输出
11iProfile: Concurrent:Report Access Level(Profile Internal Name:CONC_REPORT_ACCESS_LEVEL)
Level | Value | Result |
Site | User | The user can only view the requests submitted by him |
Responsibility | Responsibility | That user can also review the log and report output files from all requests submitted from the current responsibility |
User | Responsibility | Any user of that responsibility can also view the log and report output files from all requests submitted by any other user of that responsibility |
Profile: Concurrent:Report Access Level在Oracle EBS R12里已经不起作用了(尽管这个Profile仍存在)。It is replaced by a ‘grants’ function,that mean the RBAC (User Management) has to be implemented in R12 to replace this profile Options to enabled users to view out users log and output files in the Oracle Forms.
参考:How can a user see the output and logs of other users? (文档 ID 200272.1)
How to View the Output of a Request Launched by Someone Else (文档 ID 413382.1)
Concurrent: Report Access Level and R12