
(转)Oracle Apps DBA Interview Questions – II

By  Nagulu Polagani

Oracle Apps DBA Interview Questions – II

31.  Where to find Apps 11i JVM logs ?

Ans:  JVM log location is defined in java.sh ( found in $IAS_ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Apache/bin) Oracle Apps 11i JVM log file directory is defined by parameter JVMLOGDIR ($IAS_ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Jserv/logs/jvm ) and log file are defined by STDOUTLOG & STDERRLOG. Example of JVM log files are OACoreGroup.0.stderr ,OACoreGroup.0.stdout, DiscoGroup.0.stdout, DiscoGroup.0.stderr,XmlSvcsGrp.0.stderr, XmlSvcsGrp.0.stdout where 0 denotes first JVM & 1 denotes second JVM. stderr records error encountered in JVM & stdout records other information like GC ..

32.  How to check JDBC Connection ?

Ans:  select count(*),module from v$session where program like ‘%JDBC%’ group

33.  What is error_log in Apache,what entries are recored in access_log ? Where is default location of this file ?

Ans:  Error_log will contain all the errors/warnings faced Apache web server in Oracle Apps 11i.  This file location is defined in httpd.conf with default location at $IAS_ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Apache/logs.

34.  What is access_log in apache , what entries are recored in access_log ? Where is default location of this file ?

Ans:  access_log in Oracle Application Server records all users accessing oracle applications 11i.  This file location is defined in httpd.conf with default location at $IAS_ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Apache/logs.

35.  Where is Jserv configuration files stored ?

Ans:  Jserv configuration files are stored in $IAS_ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Jserv/etc

36.  What are main configuration files in Web Server (Apache) ?

Ans:  Main configuration files in Oracle Apps Web Server are






37.  What is session time out parameter & where all you define these values ?

Ans:  In Apps there are two broad categories of session

– Self Service Application Session ( Server by Web Server iAS Apache & Jserv, like iRecruitment,iProcurement)

– Forms session ( served by your form session, like system Administrator)

What is Session Idle time ?

If Oracle Apps client is not doing any activity for some time session during that time is called as Idle Session & because of security reason, performance issues and to free up system resource Oracle Applications terminates client session( both forms & self service) after idle time value is reached to the one mentioned in configuration file.

From FND.G or 11.5.9 or with introduction of AppsLocalLogin.jsp to enter into application, profile option “ICX Session Timeout” is used only to determine Forms Session Idle timeout value .

This might be confusing as earlier this profile option used to control forms as well as self service application(with session.timeout) session.timeout is used to control Idle session timeout for Self Service Applications ( Served by Jserv via JVM )

From where ICX : Session Timeout & session.timeout get values ?

Autoconfig determines value for profile option “ICX: Session Timeout” and “session.timeout” from entry in context file ( $APPL_TOP/admin/SID_hostname.xml ) with parameter s_sesstimeout

where value mentioned is in milliseconds so profile option ICX: Session Timeout value should be s_sesstimeout/ (1000 * 60) which means here its 10 Minutes. This value is also set in

zone.properties in $IAS_ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Jserv/etc where number mentioned is in milli second i.e. 600000 ( equal to 10 Minutes)session.timeout = 600000 session.timeout mentioned in zone.properties is in milli secondsICX Session Time out mentioned in profile option ICX: Session Timeout is in minutes so ICX session timeout=30 & session.timeout= 1800,000 are same 30 minutes

38.  What is your Oracle Apps 11i Webserver Version and how to find it ?


cd $IAS_ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Apache/bin

./httpd -version

Server version: Oracle HTTP Server Powered by Apache/1.3.19

Server built: Dec 1- 2010 14:59:13 (iAS rollup 5)

39.  How to determine Oracle Apps 11i Version ?

Ans:  SQL>select RELEASE_NAME from fnd_product_groups;

40.  What is content of dbc file & why its important ?

Ans:  DBC file is quite important as whenever Java or any other program like forms want to connect to database it uses dbc file. Typical entry in dbc file is GUEST_USER_PWD ,APPS_JDBC_URL ,DB_HOST

41.  There are lot of dbc file under $FND_SECURE, How its determined that which dbc file to use from $FND_SECURE ?

Ans:  This value is determined from profile option “Applications Database ID”

42.  What is RRA/FNDFS ?

Ans:  Report Review Agent(RRA) also referred by executable FNDFS is default text viewer in Oracle Applications 11i for viewing output files & log files.

43.  What is PCP is Oracle Applications 11i ?

PCP is acronym for Parallel Concurrurent Processing. Usually you have one Concurrent Manager executing your requests but if you can configure Concurrent Manager running on two machines (Yes you need to do some additional steps in order to configure Parallel Concurrent Processing) .So for some of your requests primary CM Node is on machine1 and secondary CM node on machine2 and for some requests primary CM is on machine2 & secondary CM on machine1.

44.  What is use of Apps listener ?

Ans:  Apps Listener usually running on All Oracle Applications 11i Nodes with listener alias as APPS_$SID is mainly used for listening requests for services like FNDFS & FNDSM.

FNDFS – FND File Server also known as RRA Reports Review Agent is used to view text files in Oracle 11i.

FNDSM – FND Service Manager is a concurrent manager in GSM, and serves requests like CM’s

45.  How will you find Invalid Objects in database ?


sql>select count(*) from dba_objects where status like ‘INVALID’;

46.  What is difference between adpatch & opatch ?

Ans:  adpatch is utility to apply oracle applications patches whereas opatch is utility to apply database patches

47.  What is forms server executable Name ?

Ans:  f60srvm

48.  What are different modes of forms in which you can start Forms Server and which one is default ?

Ans:  You can start forms server in SOCKET or SERVLET by defualt Forms are configured to start in socket mode


49.  Where is HTML Cache stored in Oracle Apps Server ?

Ans:  Oracle HTML Cache is available at $COMMON_TOP/_pages for some previous versions you might find it in $OA_HTML/_pages

50.  What is 0 & Y in FNDCPASS, FNDLOAD or WFLOAD ?

Ans:  0 & Y are flags for FND Executable like FNDCPASS & FNDLOAD where 0 is request id (request ID 0 is assigned to request ID’s which are not submitted via Submit Concurrent Request Form.  ‘Y’ indicates the method of invocation. i.e. it is directly invoked from the command-line not from the Submit Request Form.

51.  Whats is TWO_TASK in Oracle Database ?

Ans:  TWO_TASK mocks your tns alias which you are going to use to connect to database. Lets assume you have database client with tns alias defined as PROD to connect to Database PROD on machine appsdbatraining.com listening on port 1521. Then usual way to connect is sqlplus username/passwd@PROD ; now if you don’t want to use @PROD then you set  TWO_TASK=PROD and then can simply use sqlplus username/passwd then sql will check that it has to connect to tnsalias define by value PROD i.e. TWO_TASK

52.  What is GWYUID ?

Ans:  GWYUID , stands for Gateway User ID and password. Usually like APPLSYSPUB/PUB

53.  Where GWYUID defined & what is its used in Oracle Applications ?

Ans:  GWYUID is defined in dbc i.e. Database Connect Descriptor file . It is used to connect to database by thin clients.

54.  How to check number of forms users at any time ?

Ans:  Forms Connections initiate f60webmx connections so you can use

ps -ef | grep f60webmx | wc -l

55.  What is FNDLOAD and what it is used for ?


56.  How can you check which node is running what service?

Ans:  select * from fnd_nodes;

57.  What is difference between Socket & Servlet Mode in Apps Forms ?


58.  What is make program in Unix ?

Ans:  make is utility in Unix/Linux to maintain , update & generate an file mainly executable.

59.  What are .ldt & .lct files which you see in apps patch or with FNDLOAD ?


60.  What are .odf file in apps patch ?

Ans:  odf stands for Object Description Files used to create tables & other database objects.
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