
Desktop Applications, Browsers and Clients for EBS

Desktop Applications, Browsers and Clients

Note 437878.1 – Upgrading OracleAS 10g Forms and Reports in Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12
Note 454811.1 – Upgrading to the Latest OracleAS 10g 10.1.3.x Patch Set in Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12
Note 387859.1 – Using AutoConfig to Manage System Configurations in Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12
Note 1543325.1 – How To Make A Custom Template For $FND_TOP/admin/template/appsweb.cfg? (Customization Autoconfig Topic)
Note 389422.1 – Recommended Browsers for Oracle E-Business Suite Releases 12.2 and 12.1
Note 393931.1 – Deploying JRE (Native Plug-in) for Windows Clients in Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12
Note 2188898.1 – Using Java Web Start with Oracle E-Business Suite

JCE Code Signing Certificate && Java Code Signing Certificate

adkeystore.dat - the keystore file that is used to sign jar files on the server.
adsign.txt - Used to pass arguments to the JRI during file signing. The first value within this file is your alias.
adkeystore.bak - a back up copy of your previous adkeystore.dat keystore taken before the new one is created.
JavaVersionFile - A reference file showing the Java version used in compilation (The JDK version on your server) 

SQL> set serveroutput on
spass varchar2(30);
kpass varchar2(30);
ad_jar.get_jripasswords(spass, kpass);

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.


cd $APPL_TOP/admin
ls -lh adkeystore.dat adsign.txt adkeystore.bak JavaVersionFile
keytool -list -v -storepass puneet -keypass myxuan -keystore adkeystore.dat


What is a Java Code Signing Certificate and How Does It Work?

EBS R12.1 with SSL or TLS

Note 2143099.1 – Enabling SSL or TLS in Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12
Note 2042654.1 – XML Gateway Outbound SSL Handshake Fails With Error ‘ecx.oxta.SSLConnection.getSSLConnection]:Handshake Failed :java.security.cert.CertificateException: Invalid signatures’ when using SHA2 certificates
Note 376700.1 – Enabling TLS in Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1
Note 2132411.1 – TNS-01153: Failed To Process String Error When Running Adalnctl.sh: Exiting With Status 1
Note 2353757.1 – R12 E-Business Suite Applications Technology Stack TLS / SSL Configuration Causes Opmnctl To Fail With Error ‘LSX-00026: unknown attribute ‘ssl-versions’ and for ‘ssl-ciphers’ When Starting OPMN
Note 2192365.1 – 12.1.3 SOA Gateway SSL setups
Note 1961140.1 – Configuring Oracle XML Gateway for SSL/TLS Authentication in Oracle EBusiness Suite Release 12.1
Note 2159740.1 – Oracle Payment Support For TLS1.2
Note 1573912.1 – All About Oracle Payments Release 12 Wallets And Payments Data Encryption
Note 1937220.1 – Punchout in Oracle iProcurement and Exchange Fails After Supplier Site Migrates From SSLv3 to TLS Protocol (with SSL Handshake SSLIOClosedOverrideGoodbyeKiss)
Note 965748.1 – How to Apply OUI – Patch 6640838 – in Silent Install
Note 2276513.1 – Package EAM_WORKORDERREP_PVT is INVALID with error inconsistent datatypes: expected CLOB got LONG
Note 2190812.1 – Work Order Report Fails with “An error encountered either due to invalid Template details or due to null Data Input Stream” or EAM_WORKORDERREP_PVT is INVALID

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