cd /tmp
unzip -oq /tmp/ -d /tmp/etcc
cd /tmp/etcc
./ contextfile=$CONTEXT_FILE
cd /tmp/
unzip -oq /tmp/ -d /tmp/etcc
cd /tmp/etcc
echo apps |./ contextfile=$CONTEXT_FILE
Patch 12.2.0: ORACLE E-BUSINESS SUITE 12.2.0 RELEASE UPDATE PACK (Patch 10124646)
Patch 12.2.1: ORACLE E-BUSINESS SUITE 12.2.1 RELEASE UPDATE PACK (Patch 14222221)
Patch 12.2.2: ORACLE E-BUSINESS SUITE 12.2.2 RELEASE UPDATE PACK (Patch 16207672)
Patch 12.2.3: ORACLE E-BUSINESS SUITE 12.2.3 RELEASE UPDATE PACK (Patch 17020683)
Patch 12.2.4: ORACLE E-BUSINESS SUITE 12.2.4 RELEASE UPDATE PACK (Patch 17919161)
Patch 12.2.5: ORACLE E-BUSINESS SUITE 12.2.5 RELEASE UPDATE PACK (Patch 19676458)
Patch 12.2.6: ORACLE E-BUSINESS SUITE 12.2.6 RELEASE UPDATE PACK (Patch 21900901)
Patch 12.2.7: ORACLE E-BUSINESS SUITE 12.2.7 RELEASE UPDATE PACK (Patch 24690690)
Patch 12.2.8: ORACLE E-BUSINESS SUITE 12.2.8 RELEASE UPDATE PACK (Patch 26787767)
Patch 12.2.9: ORACLE E-BUSINESS SUITE 12.2.9 RELEASE UPDATE PACK (Patch 28840850)
Patch 12.2.10: ORACLE E-BUSINESS SUITE 12.2.10 RELEASE UPDATE PACK (Patch 30399999)
Oracle E-Business Suite Online Help for 12.2.0 Release Update Pack(Patch 10201000)
Oracle E-Business Suite Online Help for 12.2.1 Release Update Pack(Patch 14222223)
Oracle E-Business Suite Online Help for 12.2.2 Release Update Pack(Patch 16207673)
Oracle E-Business Suite Online Help for 12.2.3 Release Update Pack(Patch 17020685)
Oracle E-Business Suite Online Help for 12.2.4 Release Update Pack(Patch 17919162)
Oracle E-Business Suite Online Help for 12.2.5 Release Update Pack(Patch 19676460)
Oracle E-Business Suite Online Help for 12.2.6 Release Update Pack(Patch 21900918)
Oracle E-Business Suite Online Help for 12.2.7 Release Update Pack(Patch 24690800)
Oracle E-Business Suite Online Help for 12.2.8 Release Update Pack(Patch 26787780)
Oracle E-Business Suite Online Help for 12.2.9 Release Update Pack(Patch 28840900)
Oracle E-Business Suite Online Help for 12.2.10 Release Update Pack(Patch 30399996)
R12.AD.C.DELTA.1 (Patch 14222207)
R12.TXK.C.DELTA.1 (Patch 14231141)
R12.AD.C.DELTA.2 (Patch 15955263)
R12.TXK.C.DELTA.2 (Patch 15946788)
R12.AD.C.DELTA.3 (Patch 17023760)
R12.TXK.C.DELTA.3 (Patch 17021789)
R12.AD.C.DELTA.4 (Patch 17766337)
R12.TXK.C.DELTA.4 (Patch 17893964)
R12.AD.C.DELTA.5 (Patch 18283295)
R12.TXK.C.DELTA.5 (Patch 18288881)
R12.AD.C.DELTA.6 (Patch 19197270)
R12.TXK.C.DELTA.6 (Patch 19330775)
R12.AD.C.DELTA.7 (Patch 20745242)
R12.TXK.C.DELTA.7 (Patch 20784380)
R12.AD.C.DELTA.8 (Patch 21841299)
R12.TXK.C.DELTA.8 (Patch 21830810)
R12.AD.C.DELTA.9 (Patch 25178222)
R12.TXK.C.DELTA.9 (Patch 25180736)
R12.AD.C.DELTA.10 (Patch 25820806)
R12.TXK.C.DELTA.10 (Patch 25828573)
R12.AD.C.Delta.11 (Patch 26834480)
R12.TXK.C.Delta.11 (Patch 28840822)
R12.AD.C.Delta.12 (Patch 30628681)
R12.TXK.C.Delta.12 (Patch 30735865)
set lines 160 pages 50000
Select Bugs.Bug_Number as PATCH,
decode(Ad_Patch.Is_Patch_Applied('R12',-1,bugs.bug_Number),'EXPLICIT','APPLIED','NOT APPLIED') as APPLIED
select '14222207' as bug_number From Dual UNION ALL
select '14231141' as bug_number from Dual UNION ALL
select '15955263' as bug_number From Dual UNION ALL
select '15946788' as bug_number from Dual UNION ALL
select '17023760' as bug_number From Dual UNION ALL
select '17021789' as bug_number From Dual UNION ALL
select '17766337' as bug_number From Dual UNION ALL
select '17893964' as bug_number From Dual UNION ALL
select '18283295' as bug_number from Dual UNION ALL
select '18288881' as bug_number From Dual UNION ALL
select '19197270' as bug_number from Dual UNION ALL
select '19330775' as bug_number From Dual UNION ALL
select '20745242' as bug_number From Dual UNION ALL
select '20784380' as bug_number From Dual UNION ALL
select '21841299' as bug_number From Dual UNION ALL
select '21830810' as bug_number from Dual UNION ALL
select '25178222' as bug_number From Dual UNION ALL
select '25180736' as bug_number from Dual UNION ALL
select '25820806' as bug_number From Dual UNION ALL
select '25828573' as bug_number From Dual UNION ALL
select '26834480' as bug_number From Dual UNION ALL
select '28840822' as bug_number From Dual UNION ALL
select '30628681' as bug_number From Dual UNION ALL
select '30735865' As Bug_Number From Dual) Bugs
order by 1;
NOTE:1585889.1 –Useful E-Business Suite 12.2 Documents
NOTE:828157.1 –Useful Articles for the Oracle E-Business Suite Technology Stack for Technical Consultant / DBA
NOTE:1294364.1 –Useful script files for EBS SQL Performance
NOTE:887438.1 –Useful Scripts for E-Business Suite Applications Analysts
NOTE:2244173.1 –Revenue Management Cloud Service (RMCS) solution for Oracle E-Business Suite (EBS)
NOTE:1903052.1 –Applying A Non-Current Version of the AD and TXK Release Update Packs to Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2
NOTE:1617461.1 –Applying the Latest AD and TXK Release Update Packs to Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2